This metric is calculated using three simple steps: take a survey The questions focus on the likelihood that the customer will recommend or Business Email List rate your service. They can focus on a specific product or even the customer experience. rank the answers Categorize responses as detractor, passive, or promoter. Promoters will be satisfied Business Email List customers who placed a score of 9 or 10. Passives are not fully satisfied and gave a score between 7 and 8. Finally, the detractors are dissatisfied customers who placed scores lower than 6. measure the results To calculate the Net Promoter Score you just have to subtract the percentage of Business Email List detractors from the percentage of promoters.
This way you can determine the probability that a client will recommend you. It is suggested that this metric be used in conjunction Business Email List with other data, as if used individually, it only provides you with your brand score and does not Business Email List provide insights to convert detractors and passives into promoters or ambassadors. sentiment analysis Business Email List Refers to subjective data analysis, such as transcripts of customer service phone calls and social media posts. All of these can offer valuable information about how your brand is perceived Business Email List and what are the emotions associated with it .
This analysis is done Business Email List through natural language processing, however, doing it manually would be costly and impractical. To optimize it, artificial intelligence and machine learning are usually used . In this way you can extract and analyze the written text and then map the general sentiment that goes from positive to negative. The result of this Business Email List analysis is all the data in positive, neutral or negative percentages. Although this metric will help you understand sentiment towards your brand, it does not determine why they are positive Business Email List or negative, so it will be your job to identify how to improve the customer experience.